Fair "wear and tear" guide for return lease rental vehicles

Returning a leased vehicle in a “damaged” condition can make you liable to pay for rectification. Selling a damaged, uncared for vehicle will seriously affect it’s residual value my be as much as high mileage.

TrimLine Approved Repairer

An inspection by a TrimLine Approved Repairer provides an independent report. An appraisal and written report on the condition of your vehicle which identifies damage and estimated rectification costs prior to its return. Helping to save you both time and money on return improvement costs.

Tips for dirvers to avoid "return rectification" Charges.

Maintaining the condition of your vehicle assists in both the reduction of disposable rectification charges and increases the market value.

Regular valeting will help to maintain the condition of your vehicle, any minor damage is best rectified immediately … dents and scratches can often be contagious!